My Take on Maus – A Survivor’s Tale: My Father Bleeds History

Maus – A Survivor’s Tale: My Father Bleeds History Part 1 by Art Spiegelman is a humanist, unique and hard hitting take on the plight of the Jews during the Second World War. World War 2 and its inhuman atrocities have been documented across mediums, be it films, novels, poetries, documentaries, etc. Hence, any art form’s claim to uniqueness which is dealing with this theme becomes preposterous. But this is certainly not the case with Maus – A Survivor’s Tale for it documents the survivor’s account which happens to be Art Spiegelman’s father through the medium of comic strips. Also, its uniqueness doesn’t cease with its unusual choice of medium but it continues in the characterization. Spiegelman very innovatively portrays the different ethnicities as animals, for example the Jews are portrayed as mouse, the Polish as pigs, the Germans as cats, and the Americans as dogs. Though it portrays the characters as animals yet the characters retain uncanny human characters and resemblances. ...