The Snob Foodie Part-2

Triiiiiiiing Triiiiiiiing Triiiiiiiing........
I groped for my phone to snooze the annoying alarm and stole 15 minutes of extra sleep. Ah! these guilty pleasures make life worth living.
But it seems that life wasn't much pleased with me. I got stuck in traffic, was late for my college and missed an important test. Just when I thought life couldn't get any worse, I saw the picture of my crush with her new boyfriend, captioned: "You are the cherry to my icing #couplegoals #soulmates." Exhausted, I threw the phone on bed and slumped on the chair. Why can't my life be a little smoother? Is it too much to ask for? Nothing seems to be going right in my life, I can't even win a goddamned Instagram contest. It has been 5 days since I answered the questions of the_snob_foodie's lucky draw contest, the contest for which I waited so long to participate. I checked her account thousand times a day for any notification of the result, but all in vain. She might have already contacted the winner personally and they have had their fine dining date, while I stalked her Instagram account.

 I didn't realize I had dozed off when the phone rang suddenly. Its ringing made me jump out of the chair, sleepy-eyed I answered the call. It was some moron asking me whether I was Mr. Shyam Lal and had ordered pineapple pizza. The mention of pineapple pizza jerked me out of my sleep, and I gave him a lecture on the incompatibility of both the food items, and finally before hanging up I said that I wasn't Mr. Shyam Lal. Exhausted by my preaching, I lay down on the bed and checked the time. It was past mid-night and sleep seemed to have deserted me. Rubbing my eyes, I started scrolling through various social networking sites, and that's when I checked my Instagram notification. I had received a message from the_snob_foodie at 11:45 p.m. My heart seemed to explode from anticipation and my fingers felt like Jello Pops. Somehow, I managed to open the inbox and my eyes took in the magnificent light emanating from the message of the_snob_foodie. After what seemed like an eternity, I clicked on the message. The light of my screen created a halo around the message which read:

"Congratulations! You have been selected the winner in this round of lucky draw contest. You will get a chance to enjoy a fine dining experience in one of the best restaurants of the city with the food expert Ms. Alice Leroy. If you are interested in the offer then you are required to fill up the form whose link has been provided below. The date and venue of the dinner night would be informed to you after the satisfactory verification of your filled up form. We look forward to your active cooperation.
Have good food and good day.
Thank you"

My whole body shivered with excitement, my brain stopped functioning and my eyes forgot to blink. After almost an eternity when my initial euphoria abated, I clicked on the link. A form propped up asking a few basic details and I quickly filled it up. After going through my answers for atleast 10 times, I took in a deep breath and clicked the Submit button. That night I lay wide awake.

For the next two days, I was in a perpetual trance-like state with a faraway look in my eyes. Everything around me acquired a mythical, illusory quality; everything except the message in my Instagram inbox from the_snob_foodie. Only that message seemed real in this fictitious world. I spent hours staring at the message, I lost my appetite and slowly I immersed myself in those glowing words of the message. I could have happily spent the rest of my life in this ecstatic oblivion but I was jolted back to reality by another message from the_snob_foodie. I clicked open the message, which read:

"This is to inform Mr. Aman Awasthi that the details provided by him has been verified by our team. He is cordially invited to enjoy a fine dinning experience with Ms. Alice Leroy at one of the best five star hotels of the city. The date and venue that has been decided by Ms. Alice Leroy for the dinner night is 15th April at The Wide Canvas. A table for two would be booked by our team. Mr. Aman Awasthi is required to reach the venue sharp at 8 p.m where he shall be escorted by a hotel staff to the table booked by us. The winner is encouraged to enjoy the dinner night while adhering to the terms and conditions as mentioned in the form. Any violation of the rules shall be dealt strictly and strong action shall be taken against the defaulter.
Have good food and good day.
Thank you"

Undoubtedly my heart leapt with joy but the premonitory tone of the last lines made me uneasy. I had not bothered to read the Terms and Conditions section of the form. I knew my fear was unfounded because the terms and conditions section in every form advises against some outlandish acts in obscure legal terms that no normal person in their right mind would think of doing. But my anxiety got the better of me and I decided to check the terms and conditions of this contest. So I clicked on the link and the form once again propped up on my screen. I scrolled down to the Terms and Condition section and read:
1. The winner is obliged to pay for the dinner and all other expenses incurred during the dinner.
2. No photographs of Ms. Alice Leroy should be clicked without her permission.
3. Ms. Alice Leroy is under no circumstances obliged to your questions or requests.
4. Ms. Alice Leroy retains the right to walk out of the dinner night should she feel threatened or uncomfortable.

I breathed easy. As I had known all along, no civilized person would would think of violating the basic etiquette that have been reiterated in the Terms and Conditions section. But still I didn't want to take any chance and mess things up with Alice Leroy who has without my knowing ensnared my heart.
So, my date with Alice Leroy was on Sunday, i.e, one day after I received the second message. Panic-stricken, I realized that neither did I have any time for grooming myself nor did I own anything suitable for wearing on the occasion. My wardrobe was filled with casual tees and baggy jeans. I possibly cannot wear my college attire on a date night with the famous food blogger with over two million followers. But somehow, I managed to borrow a tuxedo suit from a friend. I went to the local salon to groom myself with my limited means. Hence, the day before the date rushed past me.

On 15th April, I woke up before my alarm buzzed. I would be wearing a suit for the first time, I would be going to a five star hotel for the first time, I would be meeting Alice Leroy for the first time! Ah! It seemed to be a day filled with "first times." Throughout the day I stood before the mirror practicing thousands of ways of introducing myself, numerous things that I wanted to say to Alice and trying out various hairstyles. Finally, I decided to stick to my usual way of brushing back my unruly hair, wore the borrowed tuxedo suit, polished my only pair of leather shoes and wore my usual deodorant. When I looked at myself on the mirror, I was pleased with my overall appearance but my face wore anxiety. For a moment I thought I might pass out due to nervousness. My confidence had deserted me and I was literally a bundle of nerves. I wore my favourite watch and took out the prize money carefully wrapped in a handkerchief. I unwrapped the bundle of money, kept it inside my breast pocket for the bundle wasn't really thick enough, and looked at my watch. It was 6:30 p.m, I decided that I should leave now if I wanted to reach on time. I had asked my friend to drop me in his car because I didn't want to go to a five star hotel in public transport. My friend reached my place on time and taking in a deep breath I embarked to experience the most anticipated evening of my life.

While we were stuck in traffic, I saw  a man selling flowers by the roadside. It hadn't occurred to me to get something for Alice and suddenly I was overwhelmed with the desire to buy some flowers for her. I wasn't quite sure whether buying flowers for her would amount to a breach of their terms conditions, nevertheless, I gave in to my overwhelming temptation and went out to buy some flowers. I had no experience in buying flowers and was completely at a loss. Suddenly a pair of beautiful white and ocean blue lilies caught my eyes and I bought a small of bouquet of those exquisite flowers.

When the car pulled up in front of The Wide Canvas, I found my whole body was shivering, I couldn't breath, I was almost bathed in sweat. I felt like throwing up. I knew I would mess the evening up, I would spoil the one chance that life has bestowed on me. Seeing my pathetic condition my friend patted my shoulder and said, "Don't take life so seriously. You have no idea how treacherous life can be. Just enjoy your moment. Good luck!" I wasn't quite sure whether they were words of encouragement but somehow they had their desired effect. I stopped shivering, picked up the bouquet, managed to get out of the car and squeaked thanks to him.

I stood before the exquisite door of The Wide Canvas guarded by two traditionally dressed guards. The sight of the daunting door filled me up with unexpected confidence and enthusiasm. I stepped inside the door and was greeted by a charming lady. She asked me my name and whether I had booked any table. When I gave her my details she escorted me to a private dining space with an elaborately laid out table for two. She thanked me with her dazzling smile and went away. I was mesmerized by the beauty of that room. It seemed as if I was sitting in one of those beautiful chapels of Rome. This room was filled with exquisite paintings, perfect lighting and its ceiling was adorned by an elaborate mural. It was the most intricate painting that I have laid my eyes on. Everything in the room exuded charm, nothing seemed to be out of place. It was the epitome of perfection. I looked at the chair in front of me at the opposite end of the table, it was one of its kind with intricate handles and padded velvet cushions. I smiled and said, "Your beauty is no match to your would-be occupant."    Then suddenly my phone buzzed.

  .......To be continued


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