
Showing posts from August, 2018

An open letter to my best friend on friendship day

Dearest Pagla Babu , Friendship is one of the most beautiful human relationships; it is liberating as well because unlike our blood relations here we get to choose the person with whom we want to establish this bond of heart. Moreover, it is less obligating than most other relationships and this is where its preciousness lies. I know you are probably thinking, " How long I have to bear her preaching on friendship? " Well, don't worry this won't go long because I was only making my point why I cherish our beautiful friendship and why I value it above all other relations that we share. So, on the day cherishing ' friendship ' I thought I too should cherish it and hence the letter. But don't make the mistake of thinking that you would be praised throughout the letter in the name of cherishing friendship. Firstly, I would like you to know how much pagla you are. You don't care what the world thinks about you when you start singing or dancing in public