An open letter to my best friend on friendship day

Dearest Pagla Babu,
Friendship is one of the most beautiful human relationships; it is liberating as well because unlike our blood relations here we get to choose the person with whom we want to establish this bond of heart. Moreover, it is less obligating than most other relationships and this is where its preciousness lies. I know you are probably thinking, "How long I have to bear her preaching on friendship?" Well, don't worry this won't go long because I was only making my point why I cherish our beautiful friendship and why I value it above all other relations that we share.

So, on the day cherishing 'friendship' I thought I too should cherish it and hence the letter. But don't make the mistake of thinking that you would be praised throughout the letter in the name of cherishing friendship. Firstly, I would like you to know how much pagla you are. You don't care what the world thinks about you when you start singing or dancing in public places. And when you do that I can't stop my laughter. Never stop following your heart, pagla, for this is what makes you stand out in the crowd of monochrome, depressed adults.

Well, I am trying very hard to mock you for your quirky habits but my heart is vehemently refusing to do so. I guess, I have to abandon the plan of mocking you. Arghh! Who told you to be so perfect? Well, grudgingly I have to admit that you are the best friend that I found in my life. Your childishness, ability to make me laugh at the most serious of moments and your down to earth nature, everything makes you the best friend that everyone wants in their life. And I am really lucky to have you. You have all the qualities that make you the most beloved friend of all. You never think twice before helping when someone asks for your help. And for me, I have always found you beside me in every situation of life.

You are the only person I could trust blindly and rely for everything. And this trust you have earned through your commitment and dedication to our friendship. I simply admire how composedly you handle all the situations of your life and my life as well. Though I pretend to be annoyed when you make me laugh while I am angry with you, inwardly my heart just melts away. Your childish laughter at the smallest of joy makes me fall in love with you a thousand times. Your ability to find the faintest ray of light in the darkest of time, your ability to smile at the face of every adversity and your simple and loving heart inspires me to be a better person.

When the bond between hearts is strong, time and distance matter very little, just as in our case. I am really proud of us that we have strengthened our bond in the face of the toughest situations. You are my inspiration, my mentor and my role model. I would have said that you are much more than a friend to me, but I wouldn't. Because I know that friendship is the base of the strong and beautiful relation that we share. I would cherish our friendship throughout our life, even when you grow old and start doing potty on bed.

It is with you that I can be my natural self, without the pressure of being adult and mature. It is with you that I find all the joy of my life. And it is with you that the inner child of my heart overwhelms me and makes me dance, jump and sing with joy. Thanks Bhodu, for letting me be who I am and for standing beside me in every turn of life. Thanks for teaching me how to be self-reliable, how to make my voice heard against injustice and how to cross road. Thanks for holding my hand and soothing me in my periods even when you were physically absent. Thanks for being my best friend Bhodu. Though you annoy me sometimes with your horrible songs which resemble wailing but still, I love you, pagla. My pagla.

So, on this day of cherishing friendship, three toasts to our crazy, quirky and beautiful friendship.
Hip-Hip Hurrah
Hip-Hip Hurrah
Hip-Hip Hurrah
                                        Bhodu Babu
P.S. I am thousand times cuter than you.


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