
The world is a beautiful place, though we don’t always realize it. We are so caught up in winning the rat race that we forget to cherish our life. The world abounds in beauty, only if we had the eyes to see it we wouldn’t be leading such impoverished lives. I, for one, rejoice and cherish all the beauty that I come across. Be it watching sunrise, or sunset, or gazing at the night sky with stars sprinkled across it. As a child I was always by the setting sun which could be seen from the terrace of my house, but unfortunately the privilege is lost now due to burgeoning high rise buildings.
Nevertheless, evening will always be the most special time of my day. It’s the time when everyone returns home from a hard day at work. Though, unlike night, it does not soothe soul, yet it fills one with calmness. If you ever stop to observe the world around you in evening, you will see how the world is enveloped in a golden hue. And the most beautiful part of evening is dusk, which lasts for so little a time that it becomes the most precious time of the day. The sky is crimsoned just like a blushing maid and the earth glows golden in this magical hour. Maybe its nature’s way of telling is that it doesn’t matter whether we succeeded or not because the only thing that matters at the end of the day is that we still have a beautiful life to cherish. Let’s take time to notice how magical this world is and how lucky we are for each day that is bequeathed to us, maybe then we will lead a fulfilling life, because a huge bank balance does not always guarantee that. 


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