Woman, where do you belong?

 Today I read a short article about solitude in a woman's life. It gave me an altogether new perspective about privacy in women's life. Solitude is a privilege which few women can have access to in the patriarchal society. Women, despite being independent and self-sufficient, are denied their own places. Even in the so-called metropolitan cities of India no landlord is willing to rent out their apartments to single ladies, as if these ladies won't be paying their rents. Not only ladies but also other oppressed sections of society has to face similar discrimination when they want a space for themselves, but that's another story which we can discuss some other day. The society is anxious of women who are breaking away from the social structure and craving out a space for themselves, the society believes this would lead to a breakdown of the social order. Throughout the history, women have been made responsible for maintaining social order even though they have invariably been denied the benefits of this social order and the right to participate in the proceedings of society. So, it is not surprising to see these independent women being denied their right to privacy. The society is trying very hard to dissuade these women from availing a personal space for themselves, such as slut shaming them for breaking away from their families, holding them responsible for the spurt in crime rates and the degrading morals of men, and many other stupid, irrational reasons which a sane and logical person can never imagine. Despite, such opposition from society these strong-willed ladies are in an indefatigable pursuit of finding a home which they can call their own, rather than their fathers', brothers' or husbands'. After all, rights are not gifted to you, you have to fight for them and sometimes snatch them, and this is especially true if you are a woman.
                                                  There is another appalling story which I want to share with you. The abominable terror group ISIS starved one of its sex slaves for three days and then offered her a plate of rice and meat which she obviously devoured. After she ate her meal, those fiends revealed she just ate the meat of her one year old child, who had been taken away from her. I find myself dumbfounded to think about the trauma of that woman. As I am recounting this incident my heart is lurching and stomach is performing somersault. Even being a second hand audience, I am shuddered by this incident. It seems as if these people are ordained with the right to kill, rape and devastate people. This is not the first instance of diabolic act, in fact human history is replete with such gory examples of the diabolic nature of human. Sometimes I really wonder has God really created Man in the image of himself and if this is so then there are many facets to God which either we haven't yet discovered or we don't yet have the courage to acknowledge.


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