Blood Moon Prophecy Part-3

Sitting beside granny's chair Sharon thought that nothing had really changed. Gathering around granny and exchanging stories was a hallowed ritual of this house and Sharon is genuinely pleased to see this ritual still continuing. This is a common practice in many families especially the traditional ones but in Sharon's family, unlike the common rule, even the children are encouraged to share their opinions and stories rather than being the passive listener.
Granny was ecstatic today to have Sharon beside her almost after a gap of 5 years. Sharon had always been granny's favourite grandchild. Both of them shared a beautiful bond. So, to celebrate Sharon's home-coming Granny was narrating the fairy-tales which Sharon loved as a child and was also fondly reminiscing her childhood memories. Bonding over stories and walking down the memory lanes ensured they had a fantastic evening.
Suddenly Arash exclaimed, "Granny, do you know what blood moon is?"
Granny, Esther and Sharon were laughing over something. Hearing the question, they all stopped at once. Arash gulped realizing he had entered some forbidden territory. As if in an attempt to control damage he said, "I read it in newspaper a few days back. The name sounded interesting so it stuck to my mind. I think it's some astronomical phenomenon like those eclipses, isn't it?"
Sharon had heard this name before but she couldn't quite place it. They sat in silence for some time. Suddenly, the silence was broken by Granny herself.
"What did the newspaper said? When is blood moon happening?" asked Granny, concern etched on her face.
Arash looked at Sharon and Esther. Surely, he was feeling uncomfortable and wanted one of his sisters to come to his rescue. But when none of his sisters said anything on his behalf he was left with no option but to answer granny.
In an unsure manner Arash said, "I am not sure about the date of blood moon but I can check it now. I think I saw it on the day before yesterday's newspaper. Shall I check it now?"
Granny nodded her consent. As Arash was leaving the room Sharon called out, "Wait! I can simply check it on my phone."
Saying this she tapped on her smartphone but after a moment she looked up, frustrated. "I can't access internet. You better go and check the newspaper."
As Arash went out of the room, granny said, "Don't become a slave of that device. It knows nothing."
After a few minutes Arash returned. "The newspaper said blood moon is on Thursday, i.e, day after tomorrow." said Arash.
The piece of information agitated granny. She muttered something to herself and attempted to stand up but her frail legs failed her. She fell back.
Concerned, the kids asked, "What's the matter, granny? Is anything wrong?"
"I think they have forgotten. I have to inform Mr. Ailet to make arrangements for the ceremony. We don't have much time." said granny.
"What arrangement? What ceremony? What are you talking about, granny?" asked a perplexed Sharon.
Granny sighed. She said, "During blood moon, the dead especially those sacrificed to the Devil return. The Devil sends them to claim the living and thus swell his army. Thus we must perform certain rituals to ward away the Devil and his minions. The whole community participates in such rituals because we can only escape Devil if we stand united. We don't have enough time. We have to make arrangements for the rituals quickly."
The reply left Sharon baffled. She had never expected her granny, for whom she had immense respect, to believe in such blind superstitions.
However, she cannot let her granny to indulge in such absurd rituals. Hence she retorted, "This is sheer absurdity granny. First of all, no one returns from death and secondly, this blood moon is just a natural phenomenon with no other connotations and we need to accept this reality instead of indulging in such irrational activities. I can explain you the exact scientific phenomena that occur during this even which you call blood moon. Maybe then you will realize that it is just another natural phenomenon like sunrise, sunset, changing of seasons, etc."
Saying this Sharon once again tapped into her smartphone to show her granny what the phenomenon of blood moon actually involves. But to her utter disappointment and frustration, her phone did not have access to network. Sharon fidgeted with her phone for a while and then threw it away in sheer frustration.
"You are a grown-up now, I cannot force you into believing something which you don't want to. I respect your opinions but your opinions also pain me Sharon." saying this granny slowly stood up and proceeded towards the door.
Arash quickly held her hand and lead her away.
Esther turned toward Sharon and said, "You shouldn't have said that. I know you have a point and even I don't believe in these ceremonies but...."
"But you don't have enough nerves to speak your mind. I am really appalled by such deep entrenched superstitions. I have always been proud of my roots and have been vocal about it too. But, I am sorry to say Esther, I cannot accept these absurd beliefs and rituals." snapped Sharon.
She continued, "At first no one bats an eye when a young boy is murdered for the sake of some illogical ritual. And now everyone has devised another ritual to justify their complacency. A ritual for protecting themselves from those who were 'sacrificed' to Devil by them. Wonderful! How proud I am of my community."
Esther almost pleaded, "Sharon, please try to..."
But Sharon stormed out of the room.
                            ......... To be continued


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