Blood Moon Prophecy Part-5

The incessant banging grew louder and louder until it became unbearable. Initially, Sharon was reluctant to go out of her room but then it occurred to her that it might be her family who have returned from the community hall. Moreover, she reasoned that what she saw was just a dream and hence it's silly of her to believe in any possible encounter with an apparition. Finally, she shrugged away all her reluctance, mustered all her courage and went out to open the front door.
However, as she was unlocking the door, an eerie thought stuck her, What if it was not merely a dream but a premonition of her encounter with Samuel's apparition?
The thought sent a chill down her spine and her hand froze. Meanwhile the loud banging continued uninterrupted.
Sharon wanted to shout and ask who was banging the door but she couldn't find her voice. After a short while she finally managed to squeak, "Wh...Who is it?"
No answer.
Sharon cleared her throat and asked once again, this time a little louder, "Who is it?"
The banging stopped. An unnerving silence shrouded the ambiance. Sharon strained her ear, she couldn't hear even her own breath, it was as if she stood in a vacuum. After the ceaseless loud banging this deafening silence was extremely unsettling. But suddenly she heard something or so she thought. But this time she heard the unmistakable laughter of Arash and Esther. Yes, it was surely them. She was absolutely sure that it was them, after all how can she not recognize her cousins' familiar laugh. Sharon heaved a sigh of relief. She was really grateful to have her loved ones back.
She said to herself, "The first thing I will do after opening the door is apologize to granny. I really am sorry about my rudeness and I am sure granny will forgive me. I have learnt my lesson. I was wrong to dismiss things which I don't understand as absurd or silly. The teachings of our ancestors must surely have some great significance otherwise they would not have stood the test of time. And most importantly, I have learnt that faith rather than scepticism gives the solace and inner peace which our modern generation lacks so abjectly despite having achieved enormous scientific and technological advancement."
Her revelation induced monologue somehow filled Sharon with an iron resolve and a soothing inner peace. Taking a deep breath she quickly unlocked the door, ready to welcome her family with a dazzling smile.
But as she opened the door her entire being stood frozen for she saw a familiar dark silhouette of a teenage boy inching towards her. And she heard a cold, eerie voice out of nowhere echoing inside her head,
"I had always known that I would find you by my side even when everyone else would abandon me.....
                The End


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