My Take - Palabar Poth Nei by Suchitra Bhattacharya

 Palabar Poth Nei by Suchitra Bhattacharya is a romantic thriller novel in which Bhattacharya introduced her female sleuth, Pragyaparomita Mukherjee a.k.a Mitin Mashi. The plot revolves around a newly married woman who is blackmailed by an unknown caller for her allegedly ‘immoral’ past. The plot is riveting and the writing is vivid, which never for once loses its pace. The novel does not merely focus on solving the mystery and unveiling the identity of the mysterious blackmailer rather Bhattacharya in her signature style explores the intricate labyrinth of human nature and relationships. She also compels the reader to rethink the conventional concepts of morality and impurity. None of the characters could be divided into absolutely good and absolutely bad. There is no black and white dichotomy in the narrative rather each of the characters dwell in a grey zone which makes them complex and consequently real, flesh and blood human beings.

I have never been disappointed by any work of Suchitra Bhattacharya and Palabar Poth Nei is no exception. It’s a complex and wonderful novel and additionally it introduces my most favourite character, Mitin Mashi. Reading this novel had been a delectable experience for me and I might return to it again, sometime in future.

My Rating - 5⭐



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